Categories: Haberler

28 Hafta Kaç Ay Oluyo

28 hafta kaç ay oluyor? Hamilelikte kaçıncı aydayım diye düşünenler için yazımızda detaylı bilgi yer alıyor. 28 hafta, yaklaşık 7 aydır ve doğum tarihinize yaklaştığınızın bir göstergesidir. Okuyun ve hamileliğinizin nasıl ilerlediğini öğrenin.

28 Hafta Kaç Ay Oluyo?


Once a woman gets pregnant, they always start counting the weeks of their pregnancy. Yet, as time progresses, they might switch to counting months – and this can be a bit confusing. Here, we will try to clear things up and answer a commonly asked question in Turkey: 28 hafta kaç ay oluyo?

How Many Weeks are in Seven Months of Pregnancy?

Pregnancy spans approximately 40 weeks, which is about 9 months. However, since each month has a different number of days, it becomes difficult to translate pregnancy weeks into months. At 28 weeks, a woman is 7 months into her pregnancy.

What Happens at 28 Weeks?

At 28 weeks, your baby is about the size of an eggplant and weighs about 2.2 pounds. They are busy practicing their breathing, moving around, and developing their senses. The baby’s eyes also open at this stage.

What Should a Woman Expect at 28 Weeks?

Typically, a woman at 28 weeks would have gained around 17-24 pounds already. They might experience Braxton Hicks contractions and feel their baby’s constant movement. They might also feel more tired than usual due to the extra weight.

What Are the Precautions to Take at 28 Weeks?

It is very important for pregnant women to take extra care of themselves and their unborn baby at 28 weeks. They should eat a healthy diet, do some light exercise every day, and stay away from smoking and alcohol. They should also monitor their blood pressure regularly and notify their doctor if they experience any unusual symptoms.


At 28 weeks, a woman is 7 months pregnant and her baby is developing well. However, this is a crucial stage where extra precautions should be taken to ensure both the mother’s and baby’s health. Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to stay informed and aware of their body’s needs at all times.


1. How many months is 28 weeks pregnant?

At 28 weeks, a woman is 7 months pregnant.

2. What are the precautions to take at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

Pregnant women should take extra care of themselves at 28 weeks by eating a healthy diet, doing some light exercise, and staying away from smoking and alcohol.

3. What are the baby’s developments at 28 weeks?

At 28 weeks, the baby is about the size of an eggplant and weighs about 2.2 pounds. They are developing their senses, practicing their breathing, and moving around.

4. What are some symptoms a woman might experience at 28 weeks?

A woman might experience Braxton Hicks contractions, feel more tired than usual, and notice the baby’s constant movement.

5. Why is 28 weeks crucial for a woman’s pregnancy?

At 28 weeks, it is crucial for pregnant women to take extra precautions to ensure both the mother’s and baby’s health. This is a vital point in the development of the baby.
Tokat Haberleri

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